As I was researching about opposition and I questioned, who is the best to learn how to handle opposition from? There is one man in the bible I can think of that encountered opposition,Nehemiah. Most of you likely know the story of Nehemiah and his burden to rebuild the wall for Jerusalem.
Nehemiah faced intense, increasing opposition; fatigue; loss of vision, discouragement and fear. He had pressure from those who didn't like what he was doing.
For whatever reason Sanballat and Tobiah ( the two men in the bible that were the biggest oppositions to Nehemiah) didn't want the wall of Jerusalem rebuilt, they didn't like what he was doing?
Life in church today isn't much different. There is usually people that don't like what your doing or doesn't approve of how you are doing it. The reason behind this immediate opposition may never be apparent- in fact, there may not be any logical reason behind it- but that doesn't necessarily prevent us as leaders from being affected by it.
Can anyone else relate? I know I can identify with how Nehemiah's troubles. I admire him because he didn't let there hostility stop him. But the truth is the hostility didn't stop; it grow into something even more.
They began questioning his motives. Because either they didn't know that Nehemiah had the support of the king -or if they did know( they didn't say), or they lied.
Isn't that the way people are ? When they decide that they don't like you, they assume the worst motives. "She is just doing it to show off"or "what is she trying to prove" people say, what's more they rarely keep there opinions to themselves. I hate wasting my energy on mopping up after someones wrong assumptions.Have you ever wanted to quit because your motives have been questioned ?Or have you ever had your purpose questioned? Your ability? The quality of your work? Many of us might say,"I didn't sign up for this"and even look for a way out of whatever commitment we have made. Didn't stop Nehemiah- he just charged ahead.
Nehemiah endured;
- Name Calling
- Instilling doubt about his purpose
- Ridiculing his ability
- Mocking the quality of his work
I've had some difficult personal experiences-some caused by me and some not-that are similar to what Nehemiah faced to rebuild the wall. Such as ridicule from other. Mocking the quality of my work and even Name calling -not fun at all. But as I said earlier it didn't stop Nehemiah and it hasn't stopped me.
Fact is why or what are the reason people quit? Getting people to serve faithfully in ministry is rarely easy. There are always more ministry to be done then people to do it,and more opportunities then resources.
There are always going to be critics and bosses( some legit, some self appointed) for what you do- committees, parents, co-workers, students and so forth. But compared to Nehemiah we have it good by today's standards.
"When God's people attempt to do God's work in God's way,there will always be opposition",there certainly was for Nehemiah. As he acted upon his burden to rebuild the wall, the pressure from those who didn't like what he was doing grew. First his enemies then even his volunteers and friends. But Nehemiah never gave up on the burden that God had given him.
So I want to encourage you that no matter what obstacle you are facing either in Ministry , work or just in your everyday life . Don't let go of the burden that God given you to do.
What does burden look like to you and me ? It's are passion to pursue your God given purpose in life.
What are the benefits to have a passionate purpose, it gives you strength,hope,focus and a radical persistent drive to stick with your purpose of life no matter the opposition.
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