Wednesday, January 5, 2011


My husband wrote this and it truly inspired me! So I thought I would share it to inspire others to stick with thing no matter what.... hope you are blessed?

mood: determined
Yesterday I read in the bible (in Acts) how God really used Paul in a great way. Paul sacrificed much and did some pretty amazing and impressive stuff. He was totally sold out to God, BUT then he was arrested! Huh? How many of you ever felt like you were doing everything right? Perhaps you felt good, strong, confident and maybe even good looking! Maybe even thought how much you really like your life because things are going so good. Then all of a sudden, your world crashed. Almost like you became a prisoner to your environment and parole isn't anytime soon. I definitely have. I even asked God "what in the world is going on?. I've done all this for you and this is the thanks I get? Am I not suppose to be going up and not down?".

I can only imagine how Paul felt during his few years in prison? Abandoned, lonely, discouraged, hopeless, maybe even questioned the outcome of his future? I think he did all of the above and more. However, something very interesting happened. He wrote most of the New Testament from prison. Could it be that when we think we are at our lowest point entrap to a prison of circumstance that we are the most capable of accomplishing something extraordinary? Could it be that God used Paul's circumstance to create a clear focus for his life? Was he forced to listen? The bible does say that the righteous live by faith. If our lives never had any challenges, we would not need faith. Faith is the tool we use to get out of the impossible situations. Faith believes that no matter what I am coming out of this mess. Even if your mamma, your daddy, your ex, your friends, or even your enemies do not believe in you. Faith believes it is possible. In spite of our situation, faith is going to be the tool we use to accomplish something extraordinary!

I know you are not a quitter and it is not too late. Set your determination on an all time high. Watch what you will do.


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