"Moving" def. - the process of leaving one dwelling and settling in another. Leaving one area for another isn't always a bad thing!! It is really how we deal with our moves in life that make the difference. How many times when we move have we packed up useless things that we know we don't want or need and we still pack them up even though we will never use.
That is how we do sometimes in our spiritual moves. We just pack up the junk in our lives that we don't want to deal with and then label it stuff. We stick it in the corner in an attic or storeroom and think because we don't see it or deal with it that it won't affect us, well it does. No matter how far we hide our stuff away it is still there and it still affects our lives.
You may say to yourself...well I might need that stuff someday. However the reality of moving forward is to let go of the stuff that is so over stuffing our thoughts and causing us to be unproductive in our lives. Do you have one of those junk drawers, that if you wanted to find something it might take you two hours and you are so frustrated that you forgot what you were even looking for, lol! Can you tell I have done this once or twice?
We sometimes over stuff our lives with excuses with why we can't move forward or well someday when I win the lottery, it will all be better? Just that in it's self is funny.
Sooo... this recent move was really different for me in regards to the "why" "when" and "how"? In a lot of ways it was exhausting working up till the time that we moved. Then we had to moved our kids from a place they loved. All these questions are really only because I don't know the roads that lies ahead BUT God knows! That is something I can put my trust in for sure! Jeremiah 29:11
I know that a lot of my friends think we are nomads or gypsies but the truth is I wouldn't change it for anything. Each move has brought me much needed personal growth in different areas of my life. I know I have matured and changed for the better. God taught me so much with each move. There were times I felt this time is the hardest one I have ever gone through....but that wasn't true, it just seemed like it at the time. I have realized that the hardest thing we have gone through is usually the one thing we have never had to go through before...what's your thought?
Like Pastor David always says…"There are people there for a reason and people there for a season." I know there were seasons in my life I had to go through because it forced me to deal with the stuff I did not want to deal with or get rid of so I can really move on forward with my life. If I hadn't gone and been through the things I went through I KNOW I wouldn't be who I am today. The wife, mother, friend and minister. I am stronger because of the moves I have made over years. I am not saying that every move has been the right move but they have been the catapult to my growth up to this time in my life.
Our hearts are completely surrendered to God and as with every move I’ve learned to "walk by faith and not by sight" and "holding fast to that which is good"...Matt.12:34. I don't know exactly what lies ahead but as I do my part I know who holds the answer and I trust Him with all my heart. Proverbs 16:23 says... His heart will guide his lips...
Maybe you feel like you don’t know what is going on in your life right now. Maybe you haven’t physically moved but something has definitely changed in your life and you can’t figure out your “why” “when” and “how”? Can I encourage you to keep holding on? God is ever encouraging and ever faithful. His love and grace is beyond anything we can ever completely comprehend. But GOD…He is good. I really encourage you to put your complete trust in His ability and on His timing. Allow Him to guide you in the direction and in the things he has for you to do. Do not be swayed by your present circumstance. Get rid of your excess baggage you have not dealt with and determine in your heart to move forward with your life no matter what!!
that was great D'anna and so very true. I'm so glad to have you back, but I'm saddened by the fact that you WANT to be back there. I want you happy, I just missed you. Beautiful writing. lovin the blog